Congrats to Trevor (grad student) and Kirby (former Undergrad researcher) who co-(first) authored a publication on the modulation of vortex shedding in flow over seal whiskers
Lab news
Bernardo has defended his PhD thesis!
Congratulations to Bernardo, who has successfully defended his PhD thesis. Bernardo will remain in Madison through August before starting a postdoc at University of Campinas, Brazil with Prof. William Wolf. (May 2023)
Sara Hartke wins NSF Graduate Fellowship!
Congrats to Sara Hartke, PhD student, who recently won a prestigious NSF Graduate Fellowship (April ’23)
Congrats to Mukul for defending his PhD thesis!
Mukul will be headed to Lawrence Berkeley National Lab as a postdoc, he will be missed!
Congrats to Riley for defending his MS thesis!
Congrats Riley on your M.S. degree! Riley will be headed to the Jacobs Space Exploration Group at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL. (Oct 22)
AIAA Journal publication on clustering and classification of wake structures
Congrats to Bernardo on his publication in AIAA Journal on the Clustering and Classification of Vortex Wakes
Mukul and Bernardo @ DisCoVor in Villars-sur-Ollon,Switzerland
PhD students Bernardo and Mukul presented posters at the first annual Direct In-person Colloquium on Vortex Dominated Flows (DisCoVor) meeting in beautiful Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland. (May 2022)
Vineet wins Faustin Prinz Fellowship
Vineet has won the Faustin Prinz Undergraduate Research Fellowship, for which he was able to present his research at the ME Design Symposium. This scholarship provides a $5000 tuition credit plus $2000 for research supplies …
Congrats to Miki for publishing his undergraduate research in JFS!
For his undergraduate research project Miki developed a method to actively change the shape of a seal-whisker inspired undulated cylinder, speeding up our simulations tremendously. The results are now published in Journal of Fluids and …
Cross-flow turbine simulations published in JRSE
Mukul’s detailed LES of the cross-flow turbine dynamics are published in JRSE (Dec 2021)